UL has reviewed the Corso Box fans and found them to be safe from overheating. The fan I bought at Home depot also had a thermal protection switch
Underwriter's Lab approval of DIY Box Fans
"Across all fan/filter test scenarios, the most notable temperature increases were observed at the motor and motor windings. However,
all measured temperatures fell below the maximum acceptable thresholds defined by the market safety standard for electric fans
(UL 507). Exterior surfaces that can come into direct contact with people remained below 36 °C, which is below the first-degree burn
potential of 47.5 °C. Further, an extreme scenario where both the front and back of the fan were blocked for an extended period of 7
hours did not pose any observable fire hazards. And after an initial rise, temperature remained steady throughout the test."
This is a raw transcript of my chat with OpenGPT 4.0. my input is shown in these black blocks while GPT's response is in the lighter sections. Lots of interesting tidbits, but I think it shows some of the conversational power of the technology. I'll edit and summarize this later... there have been many visionaries in the past who studied ways that humanity could lift itself up with improved intelligence. I am looking for these thinkers, and would like to learn how GPT-4 opens new avenues to explore their thinking using AI. Who were these thinkers? Many visionaries throughout history have explored ways to enhance human intelligence and elevate our collective understanding. Some prominent thinkers in this area include: Francis Bacon (1561-1626): An English philosopher and scientist, Bacon is known for developing the scientific method. He believed that knowledge could be systematically pursued and organized to improve human life. René Descartes (1596-1650): A French philosop